I'm using the Column 2D chart in Fusion Charts v. 3.2.4. Sometimes when the x-axis labels are too long, they are truncated with ellipsis, e.g. see the label circled below:
Even though I've added useEllipsesWhenOverflow="0"
to the chart XML the labels are still being truncated, why? The chart XML is shown in full below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<chart canvasBorderColor="606060" canvasBorderThickness="1" canvasBorderAlpha="100" lineWidth="1" divLineColor="606060"
divLineAlpha="30" showAlternateVGridColor="0" alternateHGridAlpha="5" showAlternateHGridColor="1"
alternateHGridColor="101010" baseFontColor="666666" showValues="0" decimals="2" sDecimals="2"
formatNumberScale="0" thousandSeparatorPosition="3" forceDecimals="0" decimalSeparator="." thousandSeparator=","
numberPrefix="" showRTMenuItem="0" bgColor="F3F3F3" showBorder="0" xAxisNamePadding="5" yAxisNamePadding="5"
manageResize="1" showLegend="0" caption="eCurrency Holder Distribution" yAxisName="Count"
xAxisName="Currency Range" plotSpacePercent="0" slantLabels="1" useEllipsesWhenOverflow="0">
<set label="long label" value="58" color="#080808"/>
<set label="long label" value="45" color="#080808"/>
<!-- remainder of chart data omitted -->
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