Bold a text and have it in next line for a particular string in Strings.xml

I am trying to bold a particular word in a string that is stored in strings.xml:

Here is what I would like to have it as:

Future tense: Example: I will be there at 9:00AM

I followed this: Bold words in a string of strings.xml in Android - But didn't get the results.

so I had text in strings.xml like:

<string name="futureText">Future tense: <b>Example:</b> I will be there at 9:00AM</string>

String text = Html.fromHtml(res.getString(R.string.futureText));
questionText.setText (text);

I am not getting any bold for "Example:".

Also how to get the "Example: I will be there at 9:00AM" text to next line? I know in string \n goes to next how about in html format?

What is wrong here?

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