How to control the namespace prefix in XML?

I want to create an XML which will be send with a request to a 3rd party site to Create Meeting Attendee.

The documentation is at:

The example given there shows the request XML should be in this format:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<serv:message xmlns:xsi="">
<bodyContent xsi:type=

Till now I have tried:

XNamespace aw = "";
XNamespace xsi = "java:com.tempService";

XElement root = new XElement(aw + "message",
new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "serv", aw),
new XElement("header",
new XElement("securityContext", new XElement("siteID", "123"),
new XElement("partnerID", "111"))),

new XElement("body", new XElement("bodyContent",
new XAttribute("xsitype", xsi),
new XElement("person", new XElement("name", "sample content"),
new XElement("email", "")),
new XElement("sessionKey", "###"))));

It results the following XML:

<serv:message xmlns:serv="">
<bodyContent xsitype="java:com.tempService">
<name>sample content</name>

As you can see it does not match with the request XML format.


  1. From the top <?xml version="1.0"?> is missing.

  2. <serv:message xmlns:serv=... should be <serv:message xmlns:xsi=...

  3. <bodyContent xsitype="..."> should be <bodyContent xsi:type="...">

I have gone through but could not correct it.

Can any one help me here to resolve this problem. Any help is highly appreciated.

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