Android App Update

I am new to android development using android studio and I've been reading this thread:

Update Strings.xml from server - Android SDK

and that is basicly what I need. I need to update my app once a week and the easiest way would be just to update my strings.xml but from reading all the answers from many threads I realized that it is impossible, so what would be the easieast way to do, to basicly convert the current way of my app providing data to a user, but now to use a server so the app checks if there is a need to update the data, and updates if needed.

Please understand that I am new to android development, last thread I posted like this got -3 points ... I really have been searching the web and watching tutorials but I want a good opinion on what I should study and add to my app to get my app to do what I want.

Easiest way would be to update whole app on play store and that wouldn't be a problem for me, It would be really easy for me, just a little editing in strings.xml and upload new apk, but would it be a problem for users? Would it be annoying? Would it be possible to do it that way?

Google Tag Manager would not be good solution because my strings.xml has about 1200 lines that are called from three classes inside of loops and handlers.

I've been looking around the web as I said and I found that maybe the best way would be to use JSON, but I am not sure and I am looking for an opinion and some directions here.

If using JSON is good for my problem, Is there a possibility of using 000webhost as my server where I would pull data from? Or should I just update my whole app once a week ( it's 3mb)

Thank you so much in advance everyone.

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