Can't get XmlDocument.SelectNodes to retrieve value?

XML Document:

<HotelValuedAvailRS xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" HotelValuedAvailRS.xsd" timeToExpiration="1799971" totalItems="90" echoToken="DummyEchoToken">
<Timestamp>2014-11-04 11:39:28.253</Timestamp>
<PaginationData currentPage="1" totalPages="5"/>

C# Code:

XmlDocument xdcDocument = new XmlDocument();


XmlElement xelRoot = xdcDocument.DocumentElement;
XmlNodeList listOfContacts = xdcDocument.SelectNodes("/HotelValuedAvailRS/ServiceHotel/HotelInfo");
foreach (XmlNode xndNode in listOfContacts)
string name = xndNode["Name"].InnerText;
string order = xndNode["Order"].InnerText;

I am not getting any details from the XML above with the above code. Please help me.

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