deserialize xml array with namespace

I need to deserialize this xml

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ns1:estraiListaAttiFascicoloResponse xmlns:ns1="urn:BEAFascicoloInformatico-distr">
<return xmlns:ns2="" xsi:type="ns2:Array" ns2:arrayType="ns1:BEADocumentoFascicoloVO[2]">
<item xsi:type="ns1:BEADocumentoFascicoloVO">
<annoFascicolo xsi:type="xsd:string">1998</annoFascicolo>
<item xsi:type="ns1:BEADocumentoFascicoloVO">
<annoFascicolo xsi:type="xsd:string">1998</annoFascicolo>

i have tried with this classes:

[XmlType(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "")]
[XmlRoot(Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)]
public class Envelope
public EnvelopeBody Body { get; set; }

[XmlAttribute(Form = XmlSchemaForm.Qualified)]
public string encodingStyle { get; set; }

[XmlType(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "")]
public class EnvelopeBody
[XmlElement(Namespace = "urn:BEAFascicoloInformatico-distr")]
public estraiListaAttiFascicoloResponse estraiListaAttiFascicoloResponse { get; set; }

/// <remarks/>
[XmlType(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "urn:BEAFascicoloInformatico-distr")]
[XmlRoot(Namespace = "urn:BEAFascicoloInformatico-distr", IsNullable = false)]
public class estraiListaAttiFascicoloResponse
[XmlElement(Namespace = "")]
public @return @return { get; set; }

[XmlType(AnonymousType = true)]
[XmlRoot(Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)]
public class @return
public returnItem[] item { get; set; }

[XmlAttribute(Form = XmlSchemaForm.Qualified, Namespace = "")]
public string arrayType { get; set; }

[XmlType(AnonymousType = true)]
public class returnItem
public ushort annoFascicolo { get; set; }

and this code

var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Envelope));

var sw = new StringReader(xmlText);

using (var xmlTextReader = XmlReader.Create(sw))
var converted = serializer.Deserialize(xmlTextReader);

but i receive this error at runtime

Additional information: There is an error in XML document (5, 5).

and the inner exception in this

The specified type was not recognized: name='Array', Namespace='', at .

but if i add the namespace "" to @return property of estraiListaAttiFascicoloResponse class the exception disappears but don't deserialize array items anyway

Can someone help me?


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