linux ubuntu - changed trusty-wallpapers.xml and now I have duplicates

I wanted to add one of my pictures to the default "Wallpapers" selection in Ubuntu 14.4 LTS so after a lot of googling I found myself in the /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/trusty-wallpapers.xml file

I made a copy of it (just in case) then followed the XML format there to add "penguins.jpg" that I had already copied to the /usr/share/backgrounds folder.

I then came to my desktop, right clicked and chose "change desktop background" but instead of seeing my new penguins wallpaper added to the list I see all my old wallpapers, and two or three copies of each image of my old wallpapers!

I came back to the /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/ folder and deleted the xml file then renamed the xml file that I had copied (to be safe) in the beginning back to the same name... but when I go to my wallpapers its the same :(

Many copies of the same images :(

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