Newtonsoft Json: How do I remove the @ put in front of each attribute

I am using Newtonsoft.Json.Net40. When I covert the following XDocument to Json the succeeding Json is returned.

< lsems-Response version="1.0.0" >
< lsems-Status statusCode="000" statusText="Success" >Store Data Request accepted.< /lsems-Status >
< lsems-StoreDataResponse >< /lsems-StoreDataResponse >
< / lsems-Response >

{"@statusCode":"000","@statusText":"Success","#text":"Store Data Request accepted."},

Here is my code:

Public Sub ConvertXDocToJson()
jsonOut = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(xmlOut)
End Sub

jsonOut is filled with the above json.

How do I remove the @ and # before each attribute?

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