Powershell read xml value

I have the following XML & I'm trying to obtain the value corresponding to Name=ComponentVersion.

<Component .......>
<Setting Name="ComponentVersion" Value="12345" />
<Setting Name="Host" Value="false" />
<Job Name="Platform" />

Here's what i have tried..

$fullPathXML = "$env:PackagesPath\Platform\Components\SystemPlatform.Comp.xml"

[xml]$xmlSystemPlatform = Get-Content $fullPathXML

  1. $xmlSystemPlatform.selectNodes('//Settings/Setting') | select Name

  2. Select-Xml '//Settings/Setting[contains(@Name, "ComponentVersion")]' $xmlSystemPlatform |%{$_.Node.Value}

  3. $xmlSystemPlatform.Settings.Setting[0].Name


How do I get the value for Name corresponding to ComponentVersion?

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