Spring does not load LDAP-XML config file

I have a prototype spring application to play with spring-security and LDAP. The application works with the internal LDAP-Server. But when I want to define an individual connection with a xml-config it doesn't work. More specific: The LdapTemplate which should be instantiated by the xml-config stays a null-object. Here is the code:

public class UserRepo {

private LdapTemplate ldapTemplate; //stays null
public static final String BASE_DN = "dc=springframework,dc=org";

//this works, but is not desired:
public UserRepo() {
// final GenericXmlApplicationContext appContext = new GenericXmlApplicationContext("classpath:ldap.xml");
// appContext.refresh();
// ldapTemplate = (LdapTemplate)appContext.getBean(LdapTemplate.class);
// LdapContextSource lcs = new LdapContextSource();
// lcs.setUrl("ldap://");
// lcs.setUserDn(BASE_DN);
// lcs.setDirObjectFactory(DefaultDirObjectFactory.class);
// lcs.setAnonymousReadOnly(true);
// lcs.afterPropertiesSet();
// ldapTemplate = new LdapTemplate(lcs);

My config looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://ift.tt/GArMu6"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://ift.tt/GArMu6 http://ift.tt/1jdM0fG
http://ift.tt/1wUpspz http://ift.tt/1zZkDkd">

password="secret" />

<ldap:ldap-template id="ldapTemplate" />

<bean id="userRepo" class="user.UserRepo">
<property name="ldapTemplate" ref="ldapTemplate" />


I have put the ldap.xml one time in the src-dir and another time in the ressource-dir, both didn't work.

I hope you can tell me what I'm doing wrong.

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