I have to draw circle on screen and get interaction to it by OnTouch method. Kindly help me out. Here is the code that I have tried. Here the problem is that It does not intract with user interaction but this code successfully draw the circle
public class DrawingView extends View implements OnTouchListener {
static int x, y, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255;
final static int radius = 30;
Paint paint; // using this ,we can draw on canvas
public DrawingView(Context context) {
paint = new Paint();
paint.setAntiAlias(true); // for smooth rendering
paint.setARGB(255, r, g, b); // setting the paint color
// to make it focusable so that it will receive touch events properly
// adding touch listener to this view
// overriding the View's onDraw(..) method
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
paint.setARGB(255, r, g, b);
// drawing the circle
canvas.drawCircle(x, y, radius, paint);
randColor(); // calls this method to generate a color before drawing
invalidate(); // calls onDraw method
// this is the interface method of "OnTouchListener"
public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) {
x = (int) event.getX() - (radius / 2); // some math logic to plot the
// circle in exact touch place
y = (int) event.getY() - (radius / 2);
// System.out.println("X,Y:"+"x"+","+y); //see this output in "LogCat"
randColor(); // calls this method to generate a color before drawing
invalidate(); // calls onDraw method
return true;
// this method sets a random color using Math.random()
// Note: RGB color values ranges from 0 to 255..
public void randColor() {
r = (int) (Math.random() * 255);
g = (int) (Math.random() * 255);
b = (int) (Math.random() * 255);
// Toast.makeText(c, "r,g,b="+r+","+g+","+b,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} But the problem is that, it does not get user interaction
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