How to represent xml as string in other xml (SGRS-grammar)

Good day!

I try to create xml with some rules of service and one of this- insert into tag sgrs-grammar (like a string).

like this, i think:

<body>sgrs-grammar as string</body>

So, i need to escape symbols at sgrs-xml grammar: (wiki example)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<grammar xml:lang="en-US" root="MainRule" mode="voice" tag-format="semantics/1.0" version="1.0" xmlns="">
<rule id="MainRule">
<ruleref uri="#FirstName" />
<tag>out = rules.FirstName.Firstnameslot</tag>
<rule id="FirstName">
<item>tom<tag>out.Firstnameslot = "tom";</tag></item>
<item>sam<tag>out.Firstnameslot = "sam";</tag></item>

So, i try to get it simplest way: use XDocument.Load("sgrs.xml");

At Visual Studio i get this string:

"<grammar xml:lang=\"en-US\" root=\"MainRule\" mode=\"voice\" tag-format=\"semantics/1.0\" version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"\">\r\n <rule id=\"MainRule\">\r\n <item>\r\n <ruleref uri=\"#FirstName\" />\r\n </item>\r\n <tag>out = rules.FirstName.Firstnameslot</tag>\r\n </rule>\r\n <rule id=\"FirstName\">\r\n <one-of>\r\n <item>tom<tag>out.Firstnameslot = \"tom\";</tag></item>\r\n <item>sam<tag>out.Firstnameslot = \"sam\";</tag></item>\r\n </one-of>\r\n </rule>\r\n</grammar>"

So , am i right?

If i insert it into output xml- will it be a valid output xml with tag: "sgrs-grammar xml as string"

Thank you!

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