XML to JSON conversion in php

$data = "<QRYRESULT>

this is the XML string I am trying to convert. I have used the folloung code.

$result = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', $data);
$xml = simplexml_load_string($result);
$object = new stdclass();
$object->webservice[] = $xml;
$result = json_encode($object);
header('content-Type: application/json');
echo $result;

And I am getting the following json data.

"webservice": [
"@attributes": {
"ACCOUNT": "11111"
"IDACCOUNT": "1010101",
"NUMBALANCE": "99999",
"ACCTDESC": "22222",
"PRDNAME": "name"

But i don't want the "@attributes". I want the output like below:

"-ACCOUNTNO": "11111",
"CUSTACCTNO": "121212",
"ACCTSTATUS": "active",
"BALANCE": "9999",
"CUSTOMERNAME": "cus_name",
"ODLIMIT": "99"

How can I do that ??

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