XML : Deserializing xml usind django REST when field names do not match

How do you deserialize an xml file into a django model, when the xml field names do not match the model field names?

Here is an example XML file:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  <MaterialLot xmlns="http://www.wbf.org/xml/B2MML-V0401">      <ID>B0000</ID>      <StorageLocation>Box 1</StorageLocation>  </MaterialLot>    

Here is the django model:

  class MaterialLot(models.Model):      material_lot_id = models.CharField(max_length=MAX_LEN_ID, unique=True)      storage_location = models.CharField(max_length=MAX_LEN_LOC, blank=True)    

And here is the serializer built using the django_rest framework:

  class MaterialLotSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):      class Meta:          model = MaterialLot          fields = ('material_lot_id', 'storage_location')    

The problem:

I can not create a MaterialLot model field called 'ID' as ID is reserved for the model primary key. Hence, I need to map the XML 'ID' field to the 'material_lot_id' MaterialLot model field.

Ultimately, I want to read data from an XML file, and save the data in a django model:

  with open(file_path, 'r') as f:      xmlstring = f.read()    stream = BytesIO(xmlstring)  data = XMLParser().parse(stream)  serializer = MaterialLotSerializer(data=data)          serializer.is_valid()  serializer.save()    

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