XML : excel 2010 vba error updating xml file

I am trying to run and fix the below excel 2010 vba and getting an object variable or with block variable not set on Set imgNode = oXMLFile.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/Batch/Entry/Image") and can not seem to fix it. I'm sure there are other things that are not correct but this seems to be the first thing. I apologize for the long post, just wanted to include all the details. Thank you :).


  Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()    Dim MyBarCode   As String      ' Enter Barcode  Dim MyScan      As String      ' Enter ScanDate  Dim MyDirectory As String    MyBarCode = Application.InputBox("Please enter the last 5 digits of the barcode", "Bar Code", Type:=2)    If MyBarCode = "False" Then Exit Sub   'user canceled  Do      MyScan = Application.InputBox("Please enter scan date", "Scan Date", Date, Type:=2)      If MyScan = "False" Then Exit Sub   'user canceled      If IsDate(MyScan) Then Exit Do      MsgBox "Please enter a valid date format. ", vbExclamation, "Invalid Date Entry"  Loop    'Create nexus directory and folder  MyDirectory = "N:\1_DATA\MicroArray\NexusData\" & "2571683" & MyBarCode & "_" & Format(CDate(MyScan), "m-d-yyyy") & "\"  If Dir(MyDirectory, vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir MyDirectory    'Write to text file      Open MyDirectory & "sample_descriptor.txt" For Output As #1      Print #1, "Experiment Sample" & vbTab & "Control Sample" & vbTab & "Display Name" & vbTab & "Gender" & vbTab & "Control Gender" & vbTab & "Spikein" & vbTab & "SpikeIn Location" & vbTab & "Barcode"      Print #1, "2571683" & MyBarCode & "_532Block1.txt" & vbTab & "2571683" & MyBarCode & "_635Block1.txt" & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("B8").Value & " " & ActiveSheet.Range("B9").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("B10").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("B5").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("B11").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("B12").Value & vbTab & "2571683" & MyBarCode      Print #1, "2571683" & MyBarCode & "_532Block2.txt" & vbTab & "2571683" & MyBarCode & "_635Block2.txt" & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("C8").Value & " " & ActiveSheet.Range("C9").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("C10").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("C5").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("C11").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("C12").Value & vbTab & "2571683" & MyBarCode      Print #1, "2571683" & MyBarCode & "_532Block3.txt" & vbTab & "2571683" & MyBarCode & "_635Block3.txt" & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("D8").Value & " " & ActiveSheet.Range("D9").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("D10").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("D5").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("D11").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("D12").Value & vbTab & "2571683" & MyBarCode      Print #1, "2571683" & MyBarCode & "_532Block4.txt" & vbTab & "2571683" & MyBarCode & "_635Block4.txt" & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("E8").Value & " " & ActiveSheet.Range("E9").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("E10").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("E5").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("E11").Value & vbTab & ActiveSheet.Range("E12").Value & vbTab & "2571683" & MyBarCode      Close #1    ' ADD VBA REFERENCE: MICROSOFT XML, v3.0 or v6.0 '  Dim oXMLFile As New MSXML2.DOMDocument  Dim imgNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList, destNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList  Dim XML­File­Name As String    XML­File­Name = MyDirectory & "C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\EmArray\Design\imagene.bch"  oXMLFile.Load (XML­File­Name)    ' EXTRACT NODES INTO LIST AND REWRITE NODES '  Set imgNode = oXMLFile.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/Batch/Entry/Image")  imgNode(0).Text = "I:\" & MyBarCode & "_532"  imgNode(1).Text = "I:\" & MyBarCode & "_635"    Set destNode = oXMLFile.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/Batch/Entry/Destination")  destNode(0).Text = MyDirectory & MyBarCode & "_" & Format(CDate(MyScan), "m-d-yyyy")  destNode(1).Text = MyDirectory & MyBarCode & "_" & Format(CDate(MyScan), "m-d-yyyy")    ' SAVE UPDATED XML '  oXMLFile.Save XML­File­Name      ' UNINTIALIZE OBJECTS '  Set imgNode = Nothing  Set destNode = Nothing  Set oXMLFile = Nothing    MsgBox ("ImaGene is running, please wait")    ' CALL JAVA PROGRAM USING SHELL '  Shell """C:\Program Files\BioDiscovery\ImaGene 9.0\ImaGene.exe"" -batch " _            & XML­File­Name, vbNormalFocus    'Update perl values  MyCombine = "2571683" & MyDirectory & MyBarCode & "_" & Format(CDate(MyScan), "m-d-yyyy")    'Execute perl  Dim wsh As Object  Set wsh = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")  Dim waitOnReturn As Boolean: waitOnReturn = True  Dim windowStyle As Integer: windowStyle = 1    wsh.Run "C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\spikein.bat MyCombine", windowStyle, waitOnReturn    'Close and Exit      Application.DisplayAlerts = False      Application.Quit    End Sub    

XML file to update

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>    <Batch>  <Entry>  <Image>I:\257168310011_532.tif</Image>    <Template>C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\071683\LC_106Genes_071683_D_20141205.gal</Template>   <Configuration>C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\EmArray\Design\Exon_Array_Parameters.xml </Configuration>   <Destination>N:\1_DATA\MicroArray\NexusData\12345_11-19-2015</Destination>   <Channel>0</Channel>   <ChannelName></ChannelName>   <SubstituteGridImage>null</SubstituteGridImage>   <SubstituteGridChannel>0</SubstituteGridChannel>   <AdjustGrid>true</AdjustGrid>   <AdjustSpots>true</AdjustSpots>   <AlignImages>true</AlignImages>   <Normalize>false</Normalize>   <Analyze>false</Analyze>   </Entry>   <Entry>   <Image>I:\257168310011_635.tif</Image>   <Template>C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\071683\LC_106Genes_071683_D_20141205.gal</Template>     <Configuration>C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\EmArray\Design\Exon_Array_Parameters.xml </Configuration>  <Destination>N:\1_DATA\MicroArray\NexusData\12345_11-19-2015</Destination>  <Channel>0</Channel>  <ChannelName></ChannelName>  <SubstituteGridImage>null</SubstituteGridImage>  <SubstituteGridChannel>0</SubstituteGridChannel>  <AdjustGrid>true</AdjustGrid>  <AdjustSpots>true</AdjustSpots>  <AlignImages>true</AlignImages>  <Normalize>false</Normalize>  <Analyze>false</Analyze>    

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