XML : MS Access to XML 'Saved Export' produces different XML structure when re-exported

I have a Microsoft Access database (via Office 2010) which is being used to manage course data, and I need to regularly export this data to a particular XML structure.

Unfortunately, I have found that the structure that is produced via the initial XML export is not then replicated when the 'saved export' is later re-run. I have conducted numerous tests and tried to research this online, but have not found a solution. Hoping somebody can please help!

The part of the database that is relevant looks like this: (this has been simplified from the original database, but the same problem still occurs).

Database structure - Screenshot

Some contextual info: A 'Course' is the overarching training programme which may run on several occasions. An 'Occurrence' is a particular instance/running of a course that the student actually enrols onto. A 'Unit' is a particular taught section of that Occurrence (e.g. practicals, seminars). 'Units' can form part of multiple 'Occurrences', thus the requirement for the many-to-many bridge table 'OccurrencesUnits'. This structure has been carefully planned and we are not realistically able to change this (and hopefully shouldn't need to).

When I export to XML (External Data > XML File), I select to export data from all of these tables:

Export XML settings - screenshot

When the initial export is complete, the resulting XML looks like this:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  <dataroot xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata" generated="2015-11-25T16:09:31">      <Courses>          <CourseID>1</CourseID>          <CourseTitle>Meat Science</CourseTitle>          <Occurrences>              <OccurrenceID>1</OccurrenceID>              <OccurrenceTitle>Meat Science - 10 Credit Version</OccurrenceTitle>              <CourseID>1</CourseID>              <OccurrencesUnits>                  <OccurrencesUnitsID>1</OccurrencesUnitsID>                  <OccurrenceID>1</OccurrenceID>                  <UnitID>1</UnitID>              </OccurrencesUnits>          </Occurrences>          <Occurrences>              <OccurrenceID>2</OccurrenceID>              <OccurrenceTitle>Meat Science - 20 Credit Version</OccurrenceTitle>              <CourseID>1</CourseID>              <OccurrencesUnits>                  <OccurrencesUnitsID>2</OccurrencesUnitsID>                  <OccurrenceID>2</OccurrenceID>                  <UnitID>1</UnitID>              </OccurrencesUnits>                  <OccurrencesUnits>                  <OccurrencesUnitsID>3</OccurrencesUnitsID>                  <OccurrenceID>2</OccurrenceID>                  <UnitID>2</UnitID>              </OccurrencesUnits>          </Occurrences>      </Courses>      <Units>          <UnitID>1</UnitID>          <UnitTitle>Meat Safety</UnitTitle>      </Units>      <Units>          <UnitID>2</UnitID>          <UnitTitle>Meat Genetics</UnitTitle>      </Units>  </dataroot>    

This is exactly the right data structure we want to have, whereby 'OccurrencesUnits' is nested within 'Occurrences'. I then save the export steps to use later within MS Access.

Unfortunately the problem occurs whenever I re-use this export step (via External Data > Saved Exports). This results in an XML file which is structured differently:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  <dataroot xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata" generated="2015-11-25T16:10:34">      <Courses>          <CourseID>1</CourseID>          <CourseTitle>Meat Science</CourseTitle>          <Occurrences>              <OccurrenceID>1</OccurrenceID>              <OccurrenceTitle>Meat Science - 10 Credit Version</OccurrenceTitle>              <CourseID>1</CourseID>          </Occurrences>          <Occurrences>              <OccurrenceID>2</OccurrenceID>              <OccurrenceTitle>Meat Science - 20 Credit Version</OccurrenceTitle>              <CourseID>1</CourseID>          </Occurrences>      </Courses>      <OccurrencesUnits>          <OccurrencesUnitsID>1</OccurrencesUnitsID>          <OccurrenceID>1</OccurrenceID>          <UnitID>1</UnitID>      </OccurrencesUnits>          <OccurrencesUnits>          <OccurrencesUnitsID>2</OccurrencesUnitsID>          <OccurrenceID>2</OccurrenceID>          <UnitID>1</UnitID>      </OccurrencesUnits>      <OccurrencesUnits>          <OccurrencesUnitsID>3</OccurrencesUnitsID>          <OccurrenceID>2</OccurrenceID>          <UnitID>2</UnitID>      </OccurrencesUnits>      <Units>          <UnitID>1</UnitID>          <UnitTitle>Meat Safety</UnitTitle>      </Units>      <Units>          <UnitID>2</UnitID>          <UnitTitle>Meat Genetics</UnitTitle>      </Units>  </dataroot>    

In this version, you can see that 'OccurrencesUnits' no longer resides within 'Occurrences', and now sits complete outside of the 'Occurrences' and 'Courses' tag. This is causing us a lot of difficulty as we need to have it in the original structure.

I don't understand why a 'Saved Export' does not actually replicate the original export from which it was saved. Could this be a bug in MS Access, or am I doing something wrong? I have tried re-creating the database several times, and have also tried exporting with/without an XML Schema, but cannot find a solution.

Hoping somebody can please help - It would be very much appreciated! Many thanks.

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