XML : XML file and dtd associated

Hy everybody. I've a problem with a simple xml file esercitation. This is the XML file called "Newfile.xml"

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="students.xsl"?>  <!DOCTYPE students SYSTEM "student.dtd">    <student id="100026">      <name>Joe Average</name>      <age>21</age>      <major>Biology</major>      <results>        <result course="Math 101" grade="C-"/>        <result course="Biology 101" grade="C+"/>        <result course="Statistics 101" grade="D"/>      </results>    </student>    <student id="100078">      <name>Jack Doe</name>      <age>18</age>      <major>Physics</major>      <major>XML Science</major>      <results>        <result course="Math 101" grade="A"/>        <result course="XML 101" grade="A-"/>        <result course="Physics 101" grade="B+"/>        <result course="XML 102" grade="A"/>      </results>    </student>  </students>  

And this is the relative dtd file called "student.dtd" and placed in the same directory

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>    <!ELEMENT students (student+)>    <!ELEMENT student (name,age,major,results)>  <!ATTLIST student id CDATA #REQUIRED>    <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>  <!ELEMENT age (#PCDATA)>  <!ELEMENT major (#PCDATA)>  <!ELEMENT results (result+)>      <!-- <!ELEMENT result (grade,course)> -->  <!ELEMENT result (#PCDATA)>  <!ATTLIST result grade CDATA #REQUIRED>  <!ATTLIST result course CDATA #REQUIRED>  

When i try to run Newfile.xml with Eclipse it say: "Error line 14: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed."

Where is the error? Can you help me?

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