XML : How do I combine Generated Java Classes for JSON/JAXB?

I'm working on a Web Services Client to an application with both SOAP/XML and REST/JSON endpoints. Working from an API document with example JSON and a WSDL file I generated some Java Classes.

Both the JSON and JAXB generated class collections have some very similar classes. I would like to combine them if possible.

Here is the generated JSON version:

  @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL)  @Generated("org.jsonschema2pojo")  @JsonPropertyOrder({ "statusCode", "statusMessage" })  public class StatusInfo  {      @JsonProperty("statusCode")      private Integer statusCode;        @JsonProperty("statusMessage")      private String statusMessage;        @JsonIgnore      private Map<String, Object> additionalProperties                 = new HashMap<String, Object>();        @JsonProperty("statusCode")      public Integer getStatusCode() { return statusCode; }        @JsonProperty("statusCode")      public void setStatusCode(Integer statusCode)      { this.statusCode = statusCode; }        @JsonProperty("statusMessage")      public String getStatusMessage() { return statusMessage; }        @JsonProperty("statusMessage")      public void setStatusMessage(String statusMessage)      { this.statusMessage = statusMessage; }        @JsonAnyGetter      public Map<String, Object> getAdditionalProperties()      { return this.additionalProperties; }        @JsonAnySetter      public void setAdditionalProperty(String name, Object value)      { this.additionalProperties.put(name, value); }  }    

and here is the generated JaxB version:

  @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD)  @XmlType(name = "StatusInfo", propOrder = { "statusCode", "statusMessage" })  public class StatusInfo  {      protected Integer statusCode;      protected String statusMessage;        public Integer getStatusCode() { return statusCode; }        public void setStatusCode(Integer value) { this.statusCode = value; }        public String getStatusMessage() { return statusMessage; }        public void setStatusMessage(String value)       { this.statusMessage = value; }    }    

These classes are in two separate packages, but have the same name and are virtually identical(aside from comments and annotations). How can I combine these into 1 StatusInfo class for the both the REST/JSON and the SOAP/XML portions of application to use?

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