I'm working with an API that outputs all its XML with the same key and uses the same attribute name:
<response uri="/webaddress/"> <result> <Quotes> <row no="1"> <FL val="ID">12345</FL> <FL val="Number"> <![CDATA[ 12346 ]]> </FL> <FL val="Subject"> <![CDATA[ Test ]]> </FL> <FL val="Stage"> <![CDATA[ Draft ]]> </FL> <FL val="Valid Till"> <![CDATA[ 2016-01-23 ]]> </FL> <FL val="CONTACTID">12121</FL>
I'm sure I can still work with it, but I'm pretty new and I'm struggling to find any examples that apply. I'm working in Python 3.5 with xml.etree but I don't really care what library I'm working with.
Could someone offer a example of how to get the content out of an element given a particular name-value attribute pair, i.e. store the '12345' or '12346' as a variable?
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