XML : VBA convert XML files to SQL ready CSV

  Sub xmltoxl()      Dim f As String      Dim wbk As Workbook      Dim s As Integer      Dim tBook As Workbook      Dim MySht As Worksheet        Set tBook = ThisWorkbook      Set MySht = tBook.Sheets(1)      MySht.Cells.ClearContents        f = Dir("C:\Users\Kanye\Downloads\common\Texas" & "\*.xml")      s = 0        Do While Len(f) > 0      Set wbk = Workbooks.OpenXML("C:\Users\Kanye\Downloads\common\Texas" & "\" & f)      If s = 0 Then         wbk.Sheets(1).Cells.Copy Destination:=MySht.Cells             LastRow = MySht.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row             MySht.Range("Z1:Z" & LastRow) = f          Else             LastRow = MySht.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row             NextRow = LastRow + 1               wbkLastRow = wbk.Sheets(1).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row               wbk.Sheets(1).Rows("1:" & wbkLastRow).Copy Destination:=MySht.Rows(NextRow)               NewLastRow = MySht.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row             MySht.Range("L" & NextRow & ":Z" & NewLastRow) = f          End If              s = s + 1 Filename:="C:\Users\Kanye\Downloads\common\Texas\Test" & s & ".csv"          wbk.Close False          f = Dir()      Loop    End Sub    

This vba code turns 1000 or so XML files into 1 CSV. I'd like to tweak it so I can ingest it to a SQL database but need help figuring out the below:

  1. When this code is run it produces a column header, individual rows for each filename, and a blank row. Can the column header be left out after the second filename is converted and blank rows be left out completely?
  2. the NewLastRow code produces an the XML filename but I need to make this more unique for SQL. Is there a way I can add a new column with the Filename that concatenates a "-1" for the first filename in sequence? Eg. Say I run the code and there's 3 rows for Filename1, I'd like Row 1 to have a column value of Filename-1, Row 2 Filename-2, Row 3 Filename-3. The tricky part is not all filenames have 3 rows, some may have 1 or 8.

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