XML : SOAP interaction with WSDL

Suppose that the WSDL of a WebService defines the following operation latestTutorialOperation:

  <interface  name = "latestTutorialInterface" >      <fault name = "invalidDateFault"  element = "stns:invalidDateError"/>      <operation name="latestTutorialOperation">        <input    messageLabel="In"  element="stns:latestTutorialRequest" />      <output   messageLabel="Out" element="stns:latestTutorialResponse" />      <outfault messageLabel="Out" ref    ="tns:invalidDateFault" />      </operation>    </interface>    

the input/output types are defined like this:

   <types>        <xs:schema>            <xs:element name="latestTutorialRequest"                         type="typeLatestTutorialRequest"/>            <xs:complexType name="typeLatestTutorialRequest">            <xs:sequence>              <xs:element  name="date"   type="xs:date"/>            </xs:sequence>          </xs:complexType>            <xs:element name="latestTutorialResponse" type="xs:string"/>            <xs:element name="invalidDateError" type="xs:string"/>        </xs:schema>      </types>    

Remark that some intimate details may have been omitted in above encodings.

But my question is: how a SOAP document-style interaction for a request to latestTutorialOperation would look like in the <Body> tag?

My best guess:

  <env:Body>     <latestTutorialOperation>        <date>2002-09-24</date>     </latestTutorialOperation>    </env:Body>    

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