Admob/ Play services integraiton. Cannot resolve symbol error

i followed this tutorial to integrate admob in Android Studio. But now in the MainActivity AdFragment class a few symbols are red (**word* *) (Cannot resolve Symbol) and there is nothing in the error log.

public static class AdFragment extends **Fragment** {

public **View** onCreateView(**LayoutInflater** inflater, **ViewGroup** container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
return inflater.**inflate**(R.layout.fragment_ad, container, false);

public void onActivityCreated(Bundle bundle) {
AdView mAdView = (AdView) getView().**findViewById**(;
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();


Also in the activity_main.xml

<fragment android:name="com.appname.MainActivity$PlaceholderFragment"

PlaceholderFragment is red

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