XML newbie Q, selecting xml nodes/elements undefined?

I've been given an assignment to create a JavaScript script that is supposed to read through an xml file.

This is the entire .js file

console.log("Script Connected.");
$(document).ready( function () {
console.log("DOM Ready.");
var request = $.ajax(
type: "GET",
url: "massEffect.xml",
data: "null",
datatype: "xml"
.done(function( data ) {
//function to run on successful completion
var xml = $( data );
var rootNode = xml.find("conversation");
var choice1 = rootNode.children();
// var choices = rootNode.children();
console.log("massEffect.xml Loaded.");


function parseDialogue(choice) {
/*Instructor's comments
/*You will want to write a function that
-takes a single <choice> from the XML as an argument and
-parses it to list out the dialogue in its <voice> elements into the <div> with the ID “voices”,
-parses the description attribute of its <choice> elements into the <div> with the ID “choices”.

See index.html for examples of the DOM fragments to build so our CSS styling will work for you.*/
var voices = choice.tagName;
var after = choice.eq(1);
// console.log(after);
console.log("function called");

} );

The long XML File simply just follows this format, which is inside the rootNode <conversation>







<choices> <!—Having a <choices> element inside <after> is optional -->


<!—This <choice> follows the same structure as the one you’re looking at -->





right now as you can see, I'm testing out ways to grab data from the XML file and from the nodes/elements themselves. I've been going through the w3school tags for the nodes and elements and everything pretty much returns an undefined value. except for when i use .children() for the nodes. So I was thinking I've been using the wrong methods this whole time.

Questions and Extra Details:

1.) We have been instructed not to use XMLHTTPREQUEST (every site I come across so far uses this type of request so I cannot tell if my code is right) so I've been going with Ajax, but is everything looking like its in its proper order?

2.)My main Q: why are commands like choice.firstChild, choice.tagName... returning undefined? choice.children() seems to be the only thing working.

http://ift.tt/1lYVu0O http://ift.tt/1tVwA13

If I'm using the wrong methods, can someone provide me with the correct link?

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