XML : XPath concat navigation with more then one element

OK, thanks to Choroba, for the helping hand. I have another question, when i have more then one head element, like this

  <test>      <head>          <persName type="sender" xml:id="ID.1">              <forename>Max</forename>              <surname>Mustermann</surname>          </persName>          <persName type="adresser" xml:id="ID.30">              <forename>Susi</forename>              <surname>Kraft</surname>          </persName>      </head>      <head>          <persName type="sender" xml:id="ID.2">              <forename>Max1</forename>              <surname>Mustermann1</surname>          </persName>          <persName type="adresser" xml:id="ID.31">              <forename>Susi</forename>              <surname>Kraft1</surname>          </persName>      </head>      <head>          <persName type="sender" xml:id="ID.3">              <forename>Max1</forename>              <surname>Mustermann2</surname>          </persName>          <persName type="adresser" xml:id="ID.32">              <forename>Susi</forename>              <surname>Kraft2</surname>          </persName>      </head>  </test>    

then my XPATH Query is returning me From To without the results. I think i have to navigate with the XPath axes, but how..

  concat('From ',  descendant-or-self::head/persName[@type="sender"]/surname,  ' to ',  descendant-or-self::head/persName[@type="adresser"]/surname)    

i also got an error message like this, i am working with oxygen "A sequence of more then one item is not allowed as the second argument of concat"

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